Manual for Gender Resource Centre(GRC)
Women’s empowerment and gender equality have been recognized as key priorities not only to the wellbeing of nations but also to social and economic development. Gender inequality exists in all societies and at all levels of society. Gender-based violence and inequality in Odisha continue to be pervasive, despite several state initiatives to strengthen the safety of women and girl children, create awareness, deter crimes, expedite pending cases, and introduce behavioral changes. Gender-based violence is a long-term development challenge. Girls and women often experience violence — from physical punishment to sexual, emotional, or psychological violence.
Rural Educational Activities for Development (READ), being a non-profit Organisation has been working for the socio and economic development of the women since 1993.During this journey READ has come across many instances, where girls and women have become the victims of different types of violence and discrimination. These disparities are seen in many places staring from family to the school to the work place.
The proposed manual for Gender Resource Centre has been developed in discussion with the community mobilisers, representative of the Gender Resources Centre and other team members. The purpose of this manual is to bring all the members of GRC to a common understanding with the help of a simple guideline regarding the functioning of the GRC. READ has been working to develop women in the Rayagada, Gajapati and Ganjam districts, but the GRC has been established in Ramanaguda block of the Rayagada district. So, this manual has been developed keeping the issues and context of the Rayagada district in view. READ will follow this manual in other districts also while dealing with women and girls’ issues concerning different types of violence and discrimination. Overall, The GRC was formed to minimize and eradicate the gender-based discrimination happening in society, particularly in the READ intervention areas. These proposed documents contain the following key points:
- Objectives of the manual
- Objective of each identified issues with indicators and key activities
- Issues to be addressed through GRC
- Structures and procedures to be followed
- Selection procedures and criteria for different position
- Documents to be maintained
- Key responsibilities of each member/position
- Do’s and Don’ts for the members
READ Initiative:
With the help of READ women from the community established a GRC with an aim to address women related issues. Since it started, there has been reduction in child marriage, second marriage, girl child killing and education of the girls has improved in the community. GRC has been able to established good rapport with the Govt. key stakeholders and getting strength day by day. Now a good number of members are the part of this resource center, which is helping to take up issues as and when required. Since GVC members are not so qualified, so they are not so much confident to take up issues to the largest platforms. READ team members are building the capacity of the GVC members on regular basis, which has brough some changes in their working style. To bring effective in the work of the GRC, at every level starting from the village level, different committees have been promoted in the name of GVC(Gender Vigilance Committee)
,which is closely monitoring the issues of the women and taking required steps as per the requirement.
Objectives of the GRC manual:
- GRC will function effectively with clear function and
- GRC member will deliver preventive curative
- Manuel will create opportunity to work together with key (Concern Government officers/PRIs/social activists/NGOs etc.)
Issues to be focused:
- Child Marriage
- Domestic violence
- Wage Difference among men and women
- Girl child education
- Less control of women on decision making
GRC Core committee at Block Level
GVC (Gender Vigilance Committee) at panchayat Level
Village level representatives (GVC members)
Vice President
Joint Secretary
- NGO Representative – 01
- Social Activist – 01
- Advocate – 01
- Media person – 01
- Chairman – 01
- Government Representative -02
4. GVC COMMITTEE-Panchayat Level (30 members)
Secretary – 1
Treasurer – 1
Committee Members – 27
5. GVC COMMITTEE-Village Level (5 members)
Village representatives (03)
Selection/termination/resignation procedures: –
- Formation of a committee at the village level
- Village committee will select two GVC (election/selection)
- Panchayat level committee formation by GVC (election/selection)
- Block level core committee formation by panchayat level GVC members. (election/selection)
- Notice period both sides – 1 month for termination and resignation
- Candidate should file nomination as per the eligibility
- Service term is for 3 years once the member is selected or elected
Eligibility criteria (president, vice-president, Secretary, joint secretary, Treasurer: –
- Member should have educational qualification within class 5th – 10th
- He/She should be a respected/Influential individual of the community
- He/She should have good communication skill (able to speak)
- He/She should be a GVC
- He/She should be able to give time.
- His/Her age limit should be within 25-50
Criteria for GVC member: –
- He/She Should be
- He/She should be able to give
- He/She should have little bit of Communication
- He/She should be a Permanent dweller of the village.
Conditions for termination and disqualifying of the membership: –
- Member involved in criminal
- Member indulges in any type of
- Member violates the rules of the
- Mis-utilization of fund
- Not attending meetings for continuous three
Strategy for Resource Mobilization
- Collection of 2/-from each household by GVC member.
- Mobilizing
- Mobilizing resources through organizing
- Mobilizing through government department
Issues | Objective | Indicators | Key Activities |
Difference in Wage | 20% women are getting wage equal to men | No of complaints filed on wage difference | · Assessment of the wage through FGD
· Dialogue plan on identified issues on wage difference |
Difference in education system | 20% increase in girl child education in three years’ time period | · Girls are regularly going to the school
· Girls getting higher education |
· GVC will monitor whether girls are going to school regularly or not
· Awareness on girl child education · Awareness to parents on education |
Disparity in decision making | 20% women are able to take decision independently | · 30% women participate in Gram Sabha and Palli sabha in decision making
· Women participate in the village meeting regularly · Interaction and good rapport of women with govt officials · Gents give freedom to women in decision making |
· Awareness to women and men on decision making
· Interface meeting and its chairmanship · Women get opportunity to go to Govt and private office |
Domestic Violence | 20% reduction in domestic violence in 6 GP of Ramanaguda block of Rayagada district within 3 years. | · No of reports on domestic violence
· Peaceful environment in the community |
· Awareness
· Consultation with Govt · Street play in 90 villages · Rally organizing on domestic violence · Individual counselling |
Child Marriage | Objective: 20% reduction in child marriage in 90 villages of 6 Panchayat of Ramanaguda block, Rayagada district | · No/less report on child marriage
· Maximum marriage reported above 21 plus and 25 plus |
· Awareness
· Counselling · Consultation with Govt departments |
Equal decisions making | In 3 years’, time, increased access and control over resources of men and women, marginalized | · Independency among women in movement
· Women are able to work independently |
Awareness |
Documents to be maintained of the members:
- Biodata of the member
- Addhar card
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Bank passbook
- Phone number
Reports/Registers to be maintained:
- Meeting minutes
- GRC policy and guideline
- Receipt and expenditure
- GVC attendance
- Letter register
- Banner and photo of the activity to be kept
- Case file
- Case history register to be maintained
- Incoming and outgoing register
- Visitor’s register
- GVC member register
Do’s and don’ts for all members:
- Participation in every meeting
- Discussion for the solution of the problem
- Will share the opinion without any biasness
- Maintain confidentiality
- After training, share the learning with other team members
- Follow the rules and regulation of the GRC
- Respect each other
- Positive interaction with the victims
- Not to create any indiscipline activities during the meeting
- No drinking of alcohol during the meeting
- Not to violate the rules and regulation of GRC
Key responsibility of the president and vice president:
- Approving final resolution
- Explore fund mobilization opportunity
- Take lead in policy execution /review and approve
- Ensure GRC’s planned activities
- Liasoning with other need-based networks
- Work as a lead in execution of the activities
Key responsibility of the Secretary and joint secretary:
- Maintain GVC member application files
- Presentation of the notice in GVC meeting
- Organize meetings and ensure its successful execution
- Maintain minutes and documents
- Communicating key information through letters to the members
- Sharing communication through letter/notice/advertisement
- Presiding meeting
Key responsibility of the Treasurer:
- Maintain books of accounts
- Ensure proper financial management
- Proper monitoring of the expenditure
- Ensure judicious management of the finance and books of accounts
Responsibility of the members:
- Identification of gender-based issues
- Creating awareness at village level on the concern issues
- Counselling of the victims and other connected people at the village level
- Collection of money from the households for the maintenance of the GRC
- Identify the issues and report to the concern person of the committee
- Ensure timely mobilization of resources from the village
- Strengthen GVC member
- Monitor preventive and curative services
- Handhold resolving issues at GP level