What we do
Livelihood and skill development
Lack of sustainable livelihood towards food security (Livelihood & skill development: READ has been working since last 8 years on sustainable livelihood towards food security in its geographical area by promoting farmers committee and LRP. In fact in the last year READ has initiated promotion of Farmers Producer Company (FBC) which has not yet been functioned as registered body as of now. It is realised that the agriculture and income generation practice among farmers have increased in the operational area where about 70% household have been undertaking the same but instead the farmers not able to get fair price over their produces and always been cheated by middle man and outsides traders. Hence there is a lack of marketing opportunity and market linkage for the benefit of farmers in the community. Hence it was expected that once the Farmers Producer Company get functioned with registered body so that the community famers will have access fair prices over their produces and get optimum benefit.
Disaster management
Threat of life and livelihood for disaster situation (Disaster Management): the READ adopted geographical area is prone to natural and manmade disaster, almost every year disaster like cyclone, flood and flash flood realize by the community, the COVID-19 first and second wave taught READ to be an organization ready for all time to prevent, response and restoration to the victim community for survival. of course READ as an organization been trained on disaster management and staff have adequate capacity to adopt disaster management for delivering services to the community in danger situation.
Health and Sanitation
Increasing Infant mortality and maternal mortality (Mother and Child health Care: during the Organisational Assessment it was realised that there are at risk of life of mother and child due to practice of early child marriage and unused of toilet provided by government. It was found that 30% girl who get marry bellow the age of 15 years she use to give birth even before the age of 18 years for which the mother and child health at risk due to premature birth and unhygienic condition and lack of nutrition so mother and children found malnutrition eventually reported death. Apart from these the unused of toilet and practice of open defecation is also another triggering point for pollution as consequences the community affected by different communicable diseases and most vulnerable among them are mother and child.
Child Rights and Protection
Violation of rights of children (Child rights and Protection): the violation of rights of the children in different forms have been rampant in the area, but among them early child marriage and early school dropout (among girl) is one of the most important prevailing issues realised mostly due to lack of awareness among parents, community and society at large and moreover the government duty bearers has inadequate mechanism to control and reduce over the issues to protect the rights of the children. According to The Hindu a national newspaper, there are at least 21.6 per cent girls marry before the age of 15 in Odisha whereas in the READ’s operational area the child development project officer said the occurrence of child marriage is goes up to 30%. According to the study of Mission Shakti (WCD-MS) 2018 there are 56000 in Odisha reported girl out of school between the age group of 11-14 years.
Gender Inclusion
Gender discrimination and violence against women and girl (Gender Inclusion): Though the organisation has been working on the issue over the last 3 years, but the set result has not yet been achieved as of now, because the model GRC structure and GVC has not been fully strengthened and engaged, apart from these READ has not included men in the GRC structure as a duty bearers, so the capacity of the duty bearers (GVCs male and female) has not been improved. The issues which have been identified in the initial intervention such as domestic violence, harassment (sexual, physical and emotional) against women and girl, discrimination on girl child education and stigmatize mind set on women and men towards power relation still exist in the society. The National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) and National Family Health Survey (NFHS) report shows that at least 35.2 per cent women face spousal violence in Odisha, apart from these 1 in 3 women faces sexual and physical violence all over the world.
Local governance
Inadequate female representation in Governance function (Community Governance): it is realised that, the women have still backward in decision making process hence the adequate rights and entitlements have not been tapped and accessed. In fact READ has been working on women participation in decision making since last 2 years where as of now at least 30% women from operational community able to proposed their needs and provide plan in palli sabha and gram sabha and make decision in the meeting, but there is need of increasing women participation to ensure gender rights as well as good community governance practices by strengthening CBOs and women leaders in the operational villages.
Institutional Development
It is an on-going process for improvement of capacity, skills and functional mechanism as per the context and situation, hence READ try his best to updates the system, policies and functional mechanism in periodic basis.